A Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Attorney Can Help You

December 31, 2018
Yellow Sign — Florissant, MO — Teague & Associates, LLC

When debt becomes overwhelming and there is a chance you can lose what you have worked so hard to build, you may feel that your situation is hopeless. Where can you turn for help? Is there really anyone who will be able to help? Problems like unexpected medical expenses, job loss, divorce and more can seriously affect your financial future. When you feel like you have no one to turn to, you CAN trust a Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorney to offer guidance and direction. There are options available no matter what you are facing.

There are several unwelcome accompaniments to mounting debts. These include repossession, wage garnishment and debt collectors. However, there are solutions that your lawyer can assist with. A bankruptcy attorney is well-versed in all aspects of debt issues and will offer expertise and skill to resolve your debts and find answers that will work for everyone involved.

The knowledgeable team at Teague & Associates is here to help you find resolution for your financial obligations for a cost as low as $750. We offer experience and customized care for all of our clients.

Selecting an attorney does not have to be difficult. However, it is not smart to simply choose a lawyer based on cost alone. The right lawyer is just as important as resolving your financial burdens. Appropriate solutions will aid in ensuring a better financial future. Contact the experienced litigators at Teague & Associates, LLC, today at (314) 899-4499. We have just the right Chapter 13 bankruptcy for your financial situation. We will make sure that your case is handled with skill and care.


2536 South Old Highway 94

Suite 222

St. Charles, MO 63303

720 N. Hwy 67

Florissant, MO 63031

*By Appointment Only

Call us: (314) 899-4499


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