When you’re struggling with your finances, it can be challenging to feel like you’re above water. One thing you may be facing is a judgement against you from a creditor. In that situation, you need to consider an attorney for judgement in Chesterfield. You don’t want to go against this on your own. Finding an attorney such as those at Teague & Associates, LLC can help tremendously. Our firm has been representing clients just like you for years in assisting them in facing judgements and getting above water with their finances. Here are a few things to be aware of when it comes to judgements against you and how you should proceed.
A judgment happens when a creditor that you’ve not been paying on time files a suit against you. That means they are trying to get their money owed for the credit they’ve allowed you to have. This could be due to credit card bills, loans, or other creditors you’ve dealt with. A judgment comes against you when the claimant wins their suit. If they do file and win against you, they can then take a few steps to earn their money such as:
To avoid all of this, there are a few things you should do:
Don’t face this alone. You can have representation on your side. Be sure to call our office today to set up a free consultation to see if our firm is a good fit. Contact us at (314) 899-4499 today for your attorney for judgement in Chesterfield.
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