Area Residents Could Stop Judgment With The Right Legal Support

March 24, 2023
Woman Looking At Her Bills — Florissant, MO — Teague & Associates, LLC

It is never to late to begin filing bankruptcy on a judgment. That being said, you must know there can be consequences if you wait to file after you receive the judgment. If you are struggling with debt issues, it might be best to seek assistance from a qualified bankruptcy attorney to stop a judgment sooner than later.

Talking With A Bankruptcy Lawyer

Bankruptcy is a process that can sometimes get complicated, especially when you have issues involved like a property lien. It is better to speak with a qualified attorney that knows all of the bankruptcy laws. Doing so will help you to learn all available options and the right steps to take to protect yourself and your property. The right attorney will be there to explain all courses of action to help determine if bankruptcy is the right debt relief option available to you.

What Happens After A Bankruptcy Case Concludes?

Any debtor that got a discharge could choose to voluntarily repay their discharged debt – even if it is not able to be legally enforced any longer. There are some situations a debtor will agree to repay because it might be owed to a family member. The situations vary.

Collection Of Judgments By Creditors

Many judgments get their start as a lawsuit. Ignoring a lawsuit could mean a judge issues a default judgment. You can fight it, but it might result in a judgment against you should you lose the suit.

After a party has a judgment against you, additional legal actions might be required to collect the debt. While this process may come with many questions, hiring a knowledgeable attorney will know how to take it one step at a time.

Call Teague & Associates at (314) 899-4499 to learn how you could stop a judgment with a qualified bankruptcy lawyer.

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