Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Lawyer

March 24, 2022
Yellow Sign — Florissant, MO — Teague & Associates, LLC

If you’re in a position where you cannot afford to pay your debts, you might be considering a range of different options to alleviate the financial stress. One option to help you reduce your financial burden and pay your creditors is Chapter 13 bankruptcy. If you’re considering this option, you will need the services of a Chapter 13 bankruptcy lawyer.

While bankruptcy is common in the United States, few people realize that there are multiple types of bankruptcy. Chapter 13 is one of the most common forms of this legal procedure, and it can be an excellent way to sort out your current debts.

Under a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, a debtor and a creditor will come to a decision to set up a payment arrangement. This amount of time is typically between three and five years. To be eligible for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you need to be working and have a verifiable income. In some cases, if you are earning below a certain level, the amount of time that you have to pay your creditors will be reduced. Bankruptcies vary depending on income and the amount of debt that you owe.

Either way, it’s essential to have an experienced attorney if you’re planning on pursuing Chapter 13 bankruptcy. If you don’t, it might not have the result that you’re trying to achieve.

So, if you’re looking for a Chapter 13 bankruptcy lawyer, it’s time to get in touch with our team Teague & Associates. We work with a wide range of clients in Maryland Heights to help them escape their debt and rebuild their financial futures. We can also speak to you about other legal options if you’re trying to source the most suitable arrangement. Contact our team of legal experts at (314)899-4499.


2536 South Old Highway 94

Suite 222

St. Charles, MO 63303

720 N. Hwy 67

Florissant, MO 63031

*By Appointment Only

Call us: (314) 899-4499


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