Learn How to Stop Garnishment with a Bankruptcy Lawyer

August 29, 2018
A Woman Reading a Letter — Florissant, MO — Teague & Associates, LLC

Wage garnishment is the result of a court order that informs your employer to deduct some of your earnings to your creditors. This typically occurs when you have outstanding child support payments, tax liens, student loans and other debts. Your paycheck is garnished until the issue is resolved or the debt paid. There are options, however, to stop garnishment with a bankruptcy lawyer. Discuss your situation with an attorney.

There are two distinct kinds of garnishment. Wage garnishment is a legal action that requires your employer to pay part of your earnings to meet your debt responsibilities. Nonwage garnishment, also called a bank levy, allows creditors access to your bank account.

You do have rights regarding wage garnishment:

  • You must be lawfully notified about garnishment.
  • If you believe that erroneous information has led to this situation or that there is a mistake, you can file a dispute.
  • Some income, like benefits from social security and the VA, are exempt. Note that they can be seized when these funds are in your bank account.
  • Having a wage garnishment does not allow you to be fired
  • Challenge the garnishment if it is causing serious harm to your financial situation.

When you receive notification about garnishment, it is important to make sure that all the information it contains is correct. Consulting an experienced attorney is highly recommended. Your lawyer may suggest working out an agreement with your creditors about payment, you can challenge the ruling or accept the terms of the garnishment.

Learn how you can stop garnishment with a bankruptcy lawyer by speaking with an attorney at Teague & Associates, LLC. Call us at (314) 899-4499 to schedule an appointment.


2536 South Old Highway 94

Suite 222

St. Charles, MO 63303

720 N. Hwy 67

Florissant, MO 63031

*By Appointment Only

Call us: (314) 899-4499


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