You Might Be Able To Stop Repossession With Good Bankruptcy Attorney

July 21, 2023
Petition For Bankruptcy — Florissant, MO — Teague & Associates, LLC

If you live in Maryland Heights and you are filing for bankruptcy, the last thing you want is to deal with vehicle repossession on top of everything. Because debt puts your assets at risk, including any vehicles and homes, you want a reliable bankruptcy attorney to help with your case. Teague & Associates want you to know that we have the trusted attorneys you need to assist with this process.

Why Worry About Repossession?

Losing your vehicle could greatly impact your livelihood. However, filing for bankruptcy can stop a vehicle’s repossession when you go through the motions using the proper channels.

Some facts you may not know:

  • A bankruptcy filing immediately halts repossession – As you file, creditors have to stop all actions for collections, including repossession. Even if your creditor has been threatening to take your vehicle, we can help.
  • Keep your valued property – It is a myth that you have to forfeit all of your property when filing for bankruptcy automatically. The truth is that many people who file bankruptcy can prevent repossession and keep many assets permanently.

Talk with Our Trusted Team

Once Teague & Associates reviews your situation, we can determine which type of bankruptcy best suits your needs. We can also let you know if a bankruptcy alternative is a better choice. Our firm is well-versed in all bankruptcy options, with Chapter 7 possibly involving some property liquidation. However, a Chapter 13 filing will usually allow you to retain assets as you create a plan for debt repayment.

Call us for a free consultation!

Teague & Associates would like to talk with you if you hope to stop repossession. Reach a qualified bankruptcy attorney by calling (314) 899-4499.

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