Learn How to Stop Judgment

October 26, 2018
A Woman Reading a Letter — Florissant, MO — Teague & Associates, LLC

Have you had a judgment filed against you? Do you understand what that means? We are here to help. A judgment is a decision by the court that enters into public record. It results from someone filing a lawsuit against you. You can Answer and fight the lawsuit. However, you have other options. You can stop judgment with a bankruptcy lawyer.

There are several ways that you may discover that you have an outstanding judgment (or judgments) against you. They include:

  • Inspection of your credit report.
  • A notice from the payroll department where you work that your wages are being garnished.
  • A telephone call from a collection attorney.
  • A letter in the mail.
  • A freeze on your bank account.

If you have past due debts and have received calls and letters from the creditor and you have not initiated any solutions to resolve the issues, your debt is sent to a collection agency. If the debts are still unpaid, they are turned over to an attorney for collection. They will file a lawsuit and get a judgment against you so that you will make payments on the money owed. A judgment is public record, will show on your credit report and on a background check.

To resolve the situation, you must do one of the following: file for bankruptcy, repay the debt by garnishment or with cash, permit the creditor to seize your assets, pay the amount in full or work with the creditor to agree on a suitable payment plan.

For advice about how to stop judgment with a bankruptcy lawyer, call Teague & Associates, LLC, at (314) 899-4499. We will help you navigate the process as simply as possible.


2536 South Old Highway 94

Suite 222

St. Charles, MO 63303

720 N. Hwy 67

Florissant, MO 63031

*By Appointment Only

Call us: (314) 899-4499


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